For September’s Yoga Month, Insider’s Advice from Yoga Expert & Instructor Jess Amendola for Creating
a Healthy Lifestyle Year-Round.
- August 2017 -
Are you ready for Yoga Month? Yoga expert & instructor Jess Amendola has special offers for September’s Yoga Month and tips to live a healthy lifestyle year-round. Amendola is the founder & owner of SUP Yoga Center in St. Augustine, FL. She is also a Standup Paddleboard Yoga Instructor, BOGA Yoga Ambassador, professional yoga & fitness model, and wellness influencer.
Amendola (pictured) has practiced yoga for 14 years and gives this advice to clients, “Enjoy life, offer gratitude for a healthy body every single day, and take care of that healthy body. I believe in making simple lifestyle changes instead of following diet trends or quick-fix promises.” To make healthy changes, Amendola shares five of her favorite tips:
Get your move on and constantly change it up. “No more running on a treadmill for hours or crunching until you want to cry. Your body gets bored of the same routine, so keep it fun. One of the best things I’ve found for clients is when they can find activities they enjoy doing so that it doesn’t feel like exercise. So, go for a walk in a beautiful location, take a paddleboard yoga class, or throw a Frisbee with your kids or dog.” suggests Amendola.
Figure out how much H2O you need. Don’t be chained to the old rule of eight glasses a day. Instead, go for a recipe that works for your body. Here’s a simple formula from Amendola to determine how much you need: Take your body weight in lbs., divide that number by two, and aim to drink at least that number in ounces per day. For example: 140lbs / 2 = 70 ounces of water daily.
Be a grazer. Amendola suggests eating smaller meals throughout the day, up to eight times daily, and limiting what you eat after 7 p.m. Amendola adds, “Anything after 7 p.m. should only be foods your body can easily digest, such as almonds or spinach with olive oil and balsamic dressing.”
Drop white flour. You don’t need it! There are so many incredible alternatives, says Amendola, who suggests quinoa pasta for it’s healthy amount of protein, or brown rice pasta, which is loaded with fiber.
Forget all of the rules sometimes and create a lifestyle you enjoy. “When you’re eating nutrient-dense whole foods most of the time, there is no need to feel guilty when you enjoy a slice of pizza or a glass of wine. When your body doesn’t associate ‘stress’ or judgement around non-healthy foods, there’s a good chance it will have a much easier time digesting them,” advises Amendola.
For those living in St. Augustine, Amendola has several offers to celebrate Yoga Month:
Sept. 6 - Full Moon Flow Special Event - $40 (equipment included) or $20 BYOB (must have USCG-approved equipment). Spaces are limited. Visit and select September 6 to reserve a space.
Yoga Month Class Pack. Experience two classes each week of September at $25 per class when purchasing the “September Aloha” package. Save $160 on an 8-class pack valued at $360. To order: visit the “classes” page of and click on packages.
About Jess Amendola and SUP Yoga Center
Jess Amendola is the founder & owner of SUP Yoga Center. Based in St. Augustine, FL, Amendola is a Standup Paddleboard Yoga Instructor, BOGA Yoga Ambassador, professional yoga & fitness model, and wellness influencer with more than a decade of experience. SUP Yoga Center is a national hub for SUP Yoga and is the official BOGA Yoga floating studio in Northeast Florida. In addition to her affiliation as a Pro Ambassador for BOGA Yoga, Amendola is also sponsored by Sawyer Oars and MTI Life Jackets.
To keep up with the latest news, photos & videos from Amendola, please follow on Instagram @jessamendola or visit
Media contact - Debra Locker -
2017 PRESS